Philip C. Lauinger, Jr

PennWell Corporation, Former President & CEO

Philip C. Lauinger, Jr. is the former chairman and chief executive officer, and a director of PennWell Publishing Company (now PennWell Corp.), an international publisher of business and trade magazines based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He served in senior management capacities in this family owned company for almost 30 years and was CEO from 1970 to 1992. A life member of American Business Media, he served as the trade association’s director from 1972 to 1992 and as chairman of its board of directors from 1979-1980.

Today, Phil is the co-chair of the advisory council of Global Ties U.S., a counselor of Meridian International Center, a director of the American Committees on Foreign Relations, an advisory counselor to the Georgetown University Library, as well as the chairman of the Tulsa Committee on Foreign Relations. He holds an AB in economics and philosophy from Georgetown University. He is a recipient of the McAllister Fellowship Award at Northwestern University’s Medill Graduate School of Journalism.